2019年8月25日「 Inclusion FES. 2019」
【Inclusion FES. 2019 参加レポート】
2019年8月25日、「Inclusion FES. 2019」に参加しました!ASEBOUNDは、2曲のオリジナルソングでの歌とダンスのパフォーマンスに加え、懐かしの名曲「上を向いて歩こう」も披露。会場は笑顔と感動で溢れ、皆さんとの交流もとても楽しいひとときでした。これからも、音楽とダンスを通じて、たくさんの感動と元気をお届けしていきます!
Inclusion FES. 2019 Participation Report
On August 25, 2019, ASEBOUND participated in "Inclusion FES. 2019"! We performed two original songs with singing and dancing, and also treated the audience to a rendition of the classic hit "Ue o Muite Arukou." The event was filled with smiles, excitement, and unforgettable moments as we connected with everyone present. We had a ton of fun and are more motivated than ever to bring more joy, energy, and inspiration through our music and dance!
Let’s Connect.
Let us know if you want us to come visit near you!